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PEP6 Unit5 Look at the Monkeys

04-11 11:43:44英语教学反思
标签:小学英语教学反思,初中英语教学反思,七年级英语教学反思,http://www.duosi8.com PEP6 Unit5 Look at the Monkeys,
S3:  It’s  drinking water.
T:  Yes,it’s drinking water with its trunk.

      Explain and read this sentence.

(3) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

(4)Read the four-skill  sentences  and copy them.

(5)Finish “ Cirche right pic3. 操练

Write and ask


      (2)同桌就表格中提问:“What is the…doing? It’s…”,同时记录下对方填的内容,并在问答结束后与同桌的进行核对。

Let’s sing

      (1) 欣赏 “Animals, Animals Are Everywhere”.
(2) 读歌词,学习生词: dolphin and swinging.
(3) 学唱歌曲.

4. 巩固和延伸.(Consolidation and extension)

      (1)完成A Read and write部分的配套练习。

tures.” and “Write the answers and the questions.”


一、  教学目标与要求

1.能听、说、读、写本课时的四会单词和词组: sleeping, climbing, fighting, swinging, drinking water。

2.能听懂、认读句子“What are the elephants doing? They’re drinking.”。

3.能听懂、理解Story time中的故事。

二、 教学重、难点分析




   单词卡、挂图、 录音机、磁带

四、  教学步骤及建议

1.热身、复习(Warm-up  and  revision)

       (1)唱歌: Animals,Animals Are Everywhere.

       (2)游戏: Simon says.

            e.g: Simon says, “Climb like a bear/Jump like a rabbit.”


   (3) 猜动作,说句子。


    Let’s learn


     T: What is it? What  is the ….doing?

       出示“drinking water”的词卡,问:

“What are they ?What are the ….s doing?”。

T: What are the elephants doing?

  Ss: They are  drinking water.(引导学生回答并拼写词组)

(2)用相同方法依次出示:sleeping,  climbing,fighting, swinging。读单词,学生拼读、问答操练。


  (1)游戏: What’s missing?


       请至少两名学生上来根据教师出示的单词卡用动作表演,然后分男女同学问答,操练:“What are they doing ? They are….

Let’s play.


Let’s chant(P56)

(1)通过图片展示动词:sleep, leap, fight, bite, climb, fly, snore



4巩固和延伸.(Consolidation and extension)

(1)完成B Let’s learn部分的配套练习。




一、  教学目标与要求

   1.能听懂、会说“What are they doing? They are…..”并能在实际情景中运用。


二、 教学重、难点分析

    1. 重点是句型: “What are they doing? They are…..”。

    2. 难点是在实际情景中运用所学对话。




1.热身、复习(Warming-up and review)


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www.duosi8.com www.duosi8.com 文 章
www.duosi8.com p;   (1)全班说唱(P56)

         climbing, sleeping,fighting ,swinging,drinking water.


        What do you see? What is/are the ….doing?


  Let’s try

(1) 出示图片,并讨论不同之处。复习对话。


Let’s talk

      (1)出示Let’s talk的挂图,问:“What do you see? What are they doing?”  引导学生答:“ They are…..”。要求看图用句型问答。


     Good to know (如果时间许可)


4. 巩固和延伸.(Consolidation and extension)

(1)   完成B Let’s talk部分的配套练习。
(3)收集或绘制考拉(袋鼠),要求写上相关词汇。如:Koala, Australia, Kangaroo, long legs. It can jump.



  1.能够听、说、读、写句型“What are they doing? They  are swimming. They are climbing trees.”。

  2.能够听、说、认读句子“Here come two tigers.Can tigers really swim? Yes,they can. They’re good climbers.”

  3.能完成 Let’s check部分的练习。


   1. 重点是掌握四会句型“What are they doing? They  are swimming. They are climbing trees.”。

   2. 难点是能正确拼写四会句子,并认读句子“Here come two tigers.Can tigers really swim? Yes,they can. They’re good climbers.”


      单词卡、 挂图、录音机、磁带


   1.热身、复习(Warm-up  and  revision)

      (1)唱歌(P66) .

      (2)利用本单元Let’s learn的词卡,同桌以开火车的方式操练:What are they doing? They are…..


     (1) 出示Read and write的挂图,看图听录音,再次听对话回答问题:

      a.Where are Sarah,Amy and Chen Jie?
      b.How many tigers do you see? What are they doing?

c. What are the pandas doing?
d.Are pandas good climbers?

(4)完成 “Answer the questions”.



3. 操练

Let’s find out.

    作为示范,出示 “tiger”,并问 “Can tigers swim/climb/fly?”

要求回答: Yes ,they can./No,they can’t. 然后用两个信封,一个装动物单词,一个装动词词汇。随机抽取进行问答。

Let’s check(P65)


4. 巩固和延伸.(Consolidation and extension)

(1)完成B Read and write部分的配套练习。



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