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高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities_高二英语教案

04-06 17:28:27高二英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,人教版高二英语教案,高二英语上册教案,http://www.duosi8.com 高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities_高二英语教案,

  7 . make sure of + sth . / doing sth . 意为“将……弄确切;确保……”。

  We should get there as early as possible in order to make sure of getting a ticket for the concert .
  Will you make sure of his return?
  make sure + that - clause 还可以作为一个句型掌握。如:

  I haven\'t made sure that I will win the match .

  Please make sure that lights are turned off .

  Will you make sure that he returned?

  Make sure that you pick me up at five .


  8 . set fire to sth . ( = set sth . on fire ) 意为“放火烧某物;使某物着火”。例如:

  The enemy set fire to the village .

  ( = The enemy set the village on fire . )

  1 . The guards couldn\'t have been watching very carefully . 卫兵不可能一直进行

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