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高二英语作文:Being An Honest300字

11-27 11:39:23英语作文
标签:高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,http://www.duosi8.com 高二英语作文:Being An Honest300字,

高二英语作文:Being An Honest

  Last summer holiday, I went to the International English summer camp in Shanghai.

  On 24th July, my two good friends and I were on duty. When we finished cleaning the classroom, it was about 8:50 in the evening. Then we prepared to go to students’ dorm.

  Outside the building, it was very dark. There was only a moon and some small stars in the sky. At that moment, we were all afraid.

  On our way to the dorm, I walked in front of them. I was looking at the ground while I was walking. Suddenly, I saw several pieces of paper on the ground. What is it?I was very curious. Then I picked it up. Oh, it was money. It was 45 yuan altogether. Later, one of my friends ran to me,"May, look, I found 5 yuan!" Was this a coincidence? I put the money together. When I got to my bedroom. I gave the money to the teacher. At last, the teacher found the owner.

  Money is important, but money is not anything and cannot buy all the things in the world.

  Honesty is one of these kinds of things. Its really important for everyone to be honest. If everyone can be honest, I believe our world will be more wonderful!

,高二英语作文:Being An Honest300字

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