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英语作文80字 My Best Friend(我 最好的朋友) 有翻译

11-27 11:43:48英语作文
标签:高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,http://www.duosi8.com 英语作文80字 My Best Friend(我 最好的朋友) 有翻译,

英语作文80字 My Best Friend(我 最好的朋友) 有翻译

题目:My Best Friend(我 最好的朋友)
My best friend is Bean. he is my classmate. His personality is funny, happy and caring. His hobbies are drawing and singing. We also like to play baseball and basketball so we've become good friends. We often play basketball after school. We love to talk to each other about PC games He likes to watch TV and read comic books in his free time, and so do I. That's why we are good friends.

,英语作文80字 My Best Friend(我 最好的朋友) 有翻译

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