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04-06 17:29:55高二英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,人教版高二英语教案,高二英语上册教案,http://www.duosi8.com 英语教案-unit16-教案,

Type: New lesson

Aims and demands:

A:Learn some new words and phrases.

B:Learn some everyday English.

C:Learn some usuage about ellipsis.

D:Develop the students’abilities in listening,speaking,reading and writing.


Step I Revision

Ask students to tell you the names of as many oceans and seas of the world as they know.As they tell you,point to them on a map of the world on the blackboard.Ask students to tell you the names of the continentstoo.Example:The Pacific Ocean ia between Asia and America.Youmay add Antarctica to the list.

Step II Presentation

Ask questions about the picture,and get students to tell you what they think is happening.Teach the new words seaside,bathe,beach.Read the introduction aloud.

Step III Reading

Say Now read the dialogue silently andfind out this information:Where would Bruce like to go today?What do Bruce and LiQun talk about? Allow the students a few moments to carry out the task.Check the answers(To the seaside;about the sea,holidays,jobs,LiQun’s cousin).See if the students can guess the meaning of sailor,dive,drown.Help them with blackboard drawings.

Step IV Dialogue

Play the tape of the dialogue for the students to listen and follow.Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the students understand it.Check the meaning of it’s a pity.Explain that in this dialogue there are some elliptical sentences.Ask the students which words are missing in the following:

(It’s a)Beautiful day,isn’t it?

(It’s a)Pity we live so far from the sea.

(That)Sounds like a good idea.

Play the tape again.This time the students listen and repeat.Then let the students practise the dialogue in paire.You may wish to ask one pair to act out the scene in front of the class.


A)     Beautiful day,isn’t it? Point out that this is a question in form,but a statement in function.Note the falling intonation at the end.

B)      I wish we could go.Point out the structure wish+Past Indefinite for a wish about something in the present.

C)     When did you last go?=When is the last time you went.


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