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11-27 11:39:47英语作文
标签:高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,http://www.duosi8.com 英语作文 我的业余爱好200字,

英语作文 我的业余爱好

  My Hobbies 关于唱歌和弹古筝


  I grew particularly fond of music, I like to sing, I like shells guzheng, music brings me into my own paradise. I sometimes shells edge edge sing, I am intoxicated. I let the summer under a tree singing, cicada is also singing in the trees, we sing together, sometimes I play guzheng, it seemed to follow my tunes to sing, I am very happy to know this is a bosom friend. I unknowingly on obsession on the music, obsessed with a guzheng. I also take part in various performances, I performed very well, my dream is that I can become a great musician, the music I listen to all shells.

,英语作文 我的业余爱好200字

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