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您当前位置:多思学习网文章资讯免费教案英语教案高二英语教案单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)_高二英语教案

单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)_高二英语教案

04-06 17:28:05高二英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,人教版高二英语教案,高二英语上册教案,http://www.duosi8.com 单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)_高二英语教案,
            there were not many radio stations in the world. Today there are
            many hundreds of radio stations broadcasting in different languages
            and in all countries. The invisible radio waves can easily travel
            from one country to another. This means that listeners in one
            country can listen to programmes broadcast from another country. In
            this way information travels from country to country. Radio

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,单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)_高二英语教案

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