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02-06 17:53:52成考试题
标签:历年成人高考试题,成人高考数学试题,成人高考模拟试题,http://www.duosi8.com 《成人英语三级必备手册》电子版独家发布(d),

dash off急匆匆地写,飞出,急忙离开

day in, day out日复一日

deal in从事于,经营,做…买卖

deal out分配,给予,执行

deal with与…交往(有生意往来),应付,涉及,研究

deliver oneself to向…自首

devote to把…献给,把…专用于

devote oneself to致力于,献身于,专心于

deceive sb into doing sth骗某人做某事

deceive oneself骗自己,误解,想错

decide on对…做出决定

deep down在内心深处,根本上

depart from背离,违反,离开

depend on依靠,依赖

despite all that尽管如此

despite of不管,不顾

devote oneself to献身于,致力于,沉溺于

dry out戒酒,变干,安静

due to因为,由…引起

doubtful about/of怀疑

do one’s best尽力,努力

do away with废除,去掉


different from不同

die away逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊

die out逐渐消失,灭绝

die of死于

die off相继死去

dig up掘出


do away with废除,消灭

do without没有……也行

do sb a favor帮某人个忙

do good/harm to对…有利/有害

doze off打盹,走神

dozens of很多

drag in把…拉(牵涉)进来

drag on拖延,使拖延

draw in收网

draw on运用,利用

draw up起草,制订

dream of梦见,梦想,考虑

dream up凭想象虚构

dress up穿上盛装;装扮,修饰

drop back; drop behind 落后

drop by/in顺便访问一下,偶然到访

drop out退出,退学

drop on sb顺便走访(某人)

drop out退出,(中,小学生)中途退学

drop off睡着;(让…)下车

dwell on详述,长谈,凝视

due to应归功于

(be)a dab (hand) (at sth.)……能手

out of date过时的,陈就的

up to date现代的,最新的

to date迄今

in all one’s born days一生中

of the day当代的,当时的

in depth深入的(地),纵深的(地)

out of one’s depth; beyond one’s depth深不着地;非…所能理解,为…力所不及

go into detail(s)详细叙述

in detail详细地,逐渐地

leave to one’s own device听任…自便

go to the devil完蛋;滚开,见鬼

make a difference区别对待;有关系

split the difference折中,妥协

make a difficulty; make difficulties刁难;提出异议

stand on one’s dignity保持尊严

treat sb. as dirt; treat sb. like a piece of dirt瞧不起某人,视某人如草芥

to the disadvantage of sb.; to sb’s disadvantage对某人不利

with discretion慎重地

dispose of丢掉,处理,解决

keep one’s distance保持距离

keep sb. at a distance冷淡某人,与某人保持距离

distinguish oneself表现杰出,使受人注意

have to do with; be to do with与…有关

go to the dogs潦倒,堕落

love me, love my dog爱物及乌

put on (the) dog摆架子,装腔作势

wake a sleeping dog惹麻烦

work like a dog拼命工作

over and done with完结,了结

What is done can’t be undone木已成舟

(from)door to door从一处直接至另一处,挨门逐户地

out of doors在户外

packed to the doors被挤的水泄不通

on the dot准时地

in doubt不确定的,可怀疑地

no doubt确定地,我确信,我 想;很可能,公认地

like a dream轻而易举地,完美地

run dry流干,被耗尽

give sb. his due公道地对待,给某人应有的评价

(down) in the dump沮丧的,抑郁的

in duplicate一式两份的(地)

in the dust入土的

off duty下了班的

on duty上班的


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