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新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8说课稿

04-06 17:37:38英语说课稿
标签:小学英语说课稿,英语说课稿,初中英语说课稿,高中英语说课稿,http://www.duosi8.com 新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8说课稿,
表达自己的思想。  Post-task任务后活动(4”)  1. Grammar Focus(2”)Go through the Grammar Focus with the whole class,ask Ss to point out the main points in this period. Then show the use of The Past Tense on the screen, especially the regular and irregular changes of verbs. 2. Language practice(2”)Practise the sentence patterns and the use of the Past Tense, especially the errors which Ss made while carrying out their tasks. Such as Subject-verb agreement or Tense-agreement, etc. For example: were you see any sharks? He go to the beach.   在学生尽情地参与活动后再让学生反思本节课的语法焦点,并进行适当的操练,对学生在任务活动中的语言失误进行纠正,使学生保持学习信心。语法讲解采用动画形式又保持了学生的学习兴趣。Homework(1”) 1. Circle Story:  Let Ss make up a story in their groups, each student adds a sentence, then write down their stories in the exercise.2. Searching information Give Ss some websites, such ashttp://www.xianglanschool.nease.net/moive/grammar_mc.htmhttp://www.cmr.com.cn/BasicStudy/LearnColumn/EnglishOnline/ Let them find more information about the Past Tense.由于教材中Section A的环节较多,在一节课中要全部完成不大可能,因此我将最后一个环节“故事接龙”作为作业,将课堂小组活动延伸的课外。为学生提供网址,使学生充分利用学习资源。 

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,新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8说课稿
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