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英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)-教案

04-06 17:35:07高三英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,高三英语复习教案,高三英语复习课教案,http://www.duosi8.com 英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)-教案,
  2.People who find hibernating animals asleep often think that they are dead..人们看到处于冬眠状态的动物,常常以为它们死了。
  3.You can touch it, or even pull its tail without causing it to move  or wake up. 你可以摸它,甚至可以拉它的尾巴,这也不会使它动一动或醒过来。
  这个句子可改写成:Even if you touch it or pull its tail,you can’t cause it move or wake up.
  4. Hibernating in that way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.
  句中的 hibern

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,英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)-教案

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