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您当前位置:多思学习网文章资讯免费教案英语教案高三英语教案union3 Australia lession 9-10-教案

union3 Australia lession 9-10-教案

04-06 17:33:31高三英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,高三英语复习教案,高三英语复习课教案,http://www.duosi8.com union3 Australia lession 9-10-教案,

教学设计方案Lesson 10

Preparation: Get the Ss collect any information about Australia from the net before class.
Step 1 Warming-up exercise
Present the National Flag of Australia and make Ss know about the aims of the period
Step 2 Fast Reading
Lesson 10
1. Pre-reading questions
  1). Where did the first Australians come from? (Asia)
  2). What did Kooris use for hunting? (A curiously shaped piece of wood)
  3). How many languages were once spoken in Australia? ( more than 250)
For the first time, Ss read the passage and give answers to these questions.
2. For the second time, Ss read the text and tell the topic sentence of each paragraph and sum up the topic and the main idea of each paragraph.

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,union3 Australia lession 9-10-教案

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