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英语教案-union3 Australia lession 11-12-教案

04-06 17:32:51高三英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,高三英语复习教案,高三英语复习课教案,http://www.duosi8.com 英语教案-union3 Australia lession 11-12-教案,
1. Which of the following statements is true?
  A. Sydney is a silent city. B. Sydney is a busy city.
  C. Sydney is a new city. D. Sydney is a common city.
2. In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in Sydney ____.
  A. with some ships and more than 1000 passengers from Britain
  B. with 11 ships and only 700 prisoners
  C. with 1024 passengers besides 700 prisoners
  D. with only more than ten ships and some helpers
3. What made Sydney famous?
  A. Three things----the beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.
  B. Immigrants from Britain, the beautiful Harbor and ships.
  C. Beautiful shops, modern restaurants and interesting old houses and seas.
  D.The Sydney Opera House, interesting ol

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,英语教案-union3 Australia lession 11-12-教案

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