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英语教案-unit 29 Shopping-Lesson 114-教案

11-08 12:25:38初一英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,初一英语上册教案,人教版初一英语教案,http://www.duosi8.com 英语教案-unit 29 Shopping-Lesson 114-教案,

Lesson 114 教学设计方案








  Step 1  Revision

  值日生Duty Report

  让值日生Duty Report加上买东西的内容。 如句型:I want to buy a bag of milk, some bread and two eggs for my tomorrow’s breakfast on my way home. My mother want to buy four potatoes, two kilos of fish, tow kilos of apples, 1 kilo of chicken legs.

  让值日生随意拿起某同学的物品,问:How much is your pen, please?  答:Maybe it’s … 问:How much are two pencils, please? 答:They’re …

  Step 2  Presentation

  引出今日新课:How much is …, please? How much are …, please? 教问价钱:how much … 教句型:How much is the…,please? How much are the …., please?

  老师可问一些同学们知道价钱的物品。如:方便面,袋牛奶,可乐等。练习回答:It’s …yuan a bag / a bottle / kilo. They are …yuan a kilo.


  Step 3  practice




  A: This is a shop near our school. What things does the shop sell?

  B: Let me see. It sells pens, pencils, pencil-boxes, pencil-sharpeners…

  A: Does it sell bread / cakes / bottles milk…in the shop?

  B: Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.

  A: How much is it / are they? Do you know?

  教单词:tomato, onion, carrot




  A: Which shop sells bread / milk / cakes / tomatoes / onion / carrot?

  B: The shop next to our school.

  A: Would you like to go with me?

  B: Certainly.

  教单词:cheap, expensive,

  cheap: not expensive   expensive: not cheap


  In the shop

  A: Do you have tomatoes here?

  B: Yes, we do.

  A: How much are they?

  B: They are ten yuan a kilo.

  A: They are too expensive. What about that shop? Let’s have a look.

  A: OK.

  In the another shop

  A: I want to buy some tomatoes. How much are they?

  B: They are five yuan a kilo. How many do you want?

  A: They are cheap. I want three.

  B: Here you are.

  A: Here is the money. Bye!

  B: Bye!

  Step 4  Read and practice

  利用以上的所有道具练习第三部分对话。注意:分别用上:How much is it? How much are they?

  Step 5  Consolidation


  Step 6 



  Blackboard Handwriting

  Unit 29  Shopping

            Lesson 114       参考词

  New Words: how much, cheap, expensive     tomato

  Useful expressions              onion

  How much is it? It is …yuan a bag / bottle / kilo?  carrot

  How much are they? They are …a kilo.

  How many / How much do you want?

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,英语教案-unit 29 Shopping-Lesson 114-教案

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