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关于描写朋友的小学二年级英语作文_My friend

11-27 13:56:44优秀作文
标签:高中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,http://www.duosi8.com 关于描写朋友的小学二年级英语作文_My friend,

  My friend is not tall .He has two round eyes and square face ,short black hair and big mouth.(小学生英语作文)
  He is about eight and half years old. He is my same building. He is wearing a green shirt, trousers, white socks and a pair of blue and black sport shoes. I think he is a handsome boy. He is honest, funny and friendly. I like him very much!(小学生作文网)

,关于描写朋友的小学二年级英语作文_My friend

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