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关于舅舅的趣事a funny story about my uncle

11-27 13:56:32优秀作文
标签:高中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,http://www.duosi8.com 关于舅舅的趣事a funny story about my uncle,

My uncle is sometimes very funny.
One day my uncle saw a sweater in a shop window.Because it was cheap,he bought it .In the afternoon he wore the sweater and went out to work.Soon,it began to rain.He ran into the house as quickly as he could,but he still got wet.The sweater on him begn to get small.And soon,it got too small and my uncle couldn't take it off.At last,with my aunt's help,he got out of the sweater.
Don't you think he's funny.

,关于舅舅的趣事a funny story about my uncle
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