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有关shopping的英语作文 A shopping day

11-27 11:42:54英语作文
标签:高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,http://www.duosi8.com 有关shopping的英语作文 A shopping day,


问:A shopping day英语作文(过去式) 
答: Yesterday, i went shopping with my parents in a good weather. In the morning , we drove there and had breakfast . Then , we dived into 3 parts . As you can see, my mom went to the clother's shop and did some shopping , My father stayed in the coffee shop and had drunk for 3 hours while he was reading a magazine. I had nowhere to go , so i went to the cell-phone shop and watched a lot.Finally,we went to choose a new television together. All of us got a happy day .What happy we were!,有关shopping的英语作文 A shopping day
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