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11-27 11:40:27英语作文
标签:高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,http://www.duosi8.com 描写人物外貌的英语作文300字,


  (一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. 我认为她是我见过的女孩中最漂亮的一个,She is exciting, amazing and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is

  extremely intelligent too.

  (二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mother. A sharp mother. She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man’s face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative). I like them very much. If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet. She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose.

  (三)Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples)

  (四)She is the most beautiful mother in the world and she is a real muse, a muse which every poet wants, lovely, wild, tender, sweet, and deep with secrets and love. A real woman.


tag: 英语作文,高中英语作文,初一英语作文,初二英语作文,作文大全 - 英语作文

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