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11-27 13:32:13读后感
标签:名著读后感600字,读后感格式,读后感500字,http://www.duosi8.com 初二英语作文:读后感200字,


  Today , I read a very funny story of a foolish .

  It say : One day , Peter’s mother had to go to attend a picnic . So Peter had to stay near the door and look after it all the time . Because many of the town thief . After an hour , one of his aunt came . She to Peter to tell his mother , they will be in the evening to visit their house . His aunt is gone , but a very difficult Peter . So he pulled the door down , put it on his back and went to his mother with it . Read here , I buret out laughing .

  I think Peter is stupid . Mother said he didn’t know the meaning of the words . 


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