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11-28 00:04:31游戏秘籍
标签:扫雷游戏秘籍,龙珠对打游戏秘籍,http://www.duosi8.com 《地球帝国2》完整中文秘籍,



// messages

db_cheat_sysdisabled, 密技关闭!

// Enable cheat system

db_cheat_enable_system, dakai

db_cheat_enable_system_d, ** 密技启用 **

// Disable cheat system

db_cheat_disable_system, guanbi

db_cheat_disable_system_d, ** 密技停用 **

// Add 10,000 of each resource

db_cheat_tons_resources, 10000

db_cheat_tons_resources_d, 资源增加10,000

// Subtract 100 of each resource

db_cheat_lose_resources, 100

db_cheat_lose_resources_d, 资源减少100

// Inflict 20 points of damage on selected unit

db_cheat_hurt_selection, bianta

db_cheat_hurt_selection_d, 使被选择的部队受到伤害

// Convert selected unit

db_cheat_convert_selection, guolai

db_cheat_convert_selection_d, 使被选择的部队变节到你的阵营中

// Instant recharge power

db_cheat_instant_recharge_pow, recharge me

db_cheat_instant_recharge_pow_d, 使被选择的部队能力恢复为100%

// Instantly win scenario

db_cheat_win_game, win

db_cheat_win_game_d, 你在此剧本中获胜!

// Toggle the fog of war on\off

db_cheat_toggle_fogofwar, toggle fog

db_cheat_toggle_fogofwar_d, 切换战争迷雾。

// Toggle instant build on\off

db_cheat_toggle_instantbuild, kuaidian

db_cheat_toggle_instantbuild_d, 切换为立即完成建设

// Advance an epoch without meeting any of the requirements

db_cheat_advance_epoch, shenji

db_cheat_advance_epoch_d, 你已经进入下一个纪元!

// Add 50 technology points

db_cheat_add_techpoints, 50

db_cheat_add_techpoints_d, 科技点数增加50


tag: 游戏秘籍,扫雷游戏秘籍,龙珠对打游戏秘籍,游戏攻略秘籍 - 游戏秘籍


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