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11-27 23:38:55游戏攻略
标签:电脑游戏攻略,单机游戏攻略,psp游戏攻略,http://www.duosi8.com 《加勒比海盗2:沉船之城》新手上手攻略(上篇),

Each addition of rank increases the value of life by the value, dependent on the fatigue datum.

生命,就是一般游戏所说的HP,到0就GAMEOVER了,对于热衷于战斗的玩家来说是相当重要的属性。随着个人等级提升会提升,其成长受基础属性力量和忍耐力影响,以游戏中其中一个主角Pieter的基础属性举例,默认此主角力量是7,忍耐力是6,则此主角在没有特技Growing life的支持下每提升一个个人等级会获得5点生命上限的提升,有Growing life支持后将是6的上限提升。如果把主角忍耐力调整到7力量不变的话就能获得6(学了特技后是7)的上限提升,不过就这个主角来说力量和忍耐力都只加到7就好再继续追加只会提升初始能力成长不会再加,要继续提升成长就要保持其中一个是7的基础上把另外一个加到10。经个人测试得到的结论大概是1-3一点HP成长 4-6是2,7-9是3,10是4,也就是说人物的HP成长最高是8(有特技支持是9)。不过力量和忍耐力加太多就会影响其他能力的成长,得未必能偿失。



Health - this is the index of the general physical state of hero. The worse the health, the worse the indices of hero in the game become. Health deteriorates, if hero obtains many injuries, and he is restored, if hero does not participate long time in hand-to-hand fightings.



Energy - is index and the reserve of the endurance of character in hand-to-hand fighting. All attacking actions in hand-to-hand fighting require the expenditure of energys of character.In other words, in the process of struggle character gets tired also for the completion of forces to him is required the respite.

The maximum value of energy depends on the instantaneous value of the reaction of character.

能量,力气、蓝条,反正就是挥动武器消耗并自动会恢复的数值。初始30点然后每点敏捷属性会带来10点上限提升。所以初始人物最多能获得130点的能量。个人等级提升不会提升能量上限,不过有了Growing energy特技支持的话每一个个人等级提升会提升一点energy上限。


Reputation - is the index of that how other characters relate to the character. Reputation is high (positive), neutral and low (negative). It is earned by behavior of character and influences that, as character receive other characters in the game.

The reputation of hero in the course of time tayet, behavior are erased from the memory of people. Poor is forgotten more badly, it is a good more rapid. If we accomplish no matters, then the reputation of hero in the course of time will roll away to "usual seaman".



The transferred weight - this is a maximally possible summary mass of load, which the character can transfer without the loss of his engine functions and with the retention of the level of skills.

It depends on force and endurance.

负重,身上能带的物品的重量上限,初始设定后不会随等级提升而增加,特技Additional weight能提升30磅负重。从不同难度开始游戏人物的初始负重也不一样。


Title - this is the index of that how much benefit brought character to the power, on service of which he consists.


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