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中班英语活动:I like……

04-11 14:01:27中班语言教案
标签:幼儿园中班语言教案,中班教案,幼儿园中班教案,http://www.duosi8.com 中班英语活动:I like……,


中班英语活动:I like……


I Like……


1、 在愉快的游戏中学会“I Like……”的句型,能理解其意义,并掌握正确发音。

2、 通过游戏幼儿熟练掌握水果(a le banana peach pear grape orange)的正确发音,并能正确运用它们。

3、 幼儿在课堂上能大声的跟读与对话,乐于参与活动。


a le orange pear banana grape peach等图片、头饰。



T: Hello, boys and girls.

 C: Hello, Mi zhu.

T: Good morning!

 C: Good morning!

T: How are you?

C: I’m fine , thank you!

2、Warm up

T: 今天爸爸妈妈都来看我们上课了,你们开心吗?(开心)那你们兴队爸爸妈妈说什么呀?引导幼儿对爸爸妈妈说:“I Love you!”

St T: Sand up, please! Are you ready?

C: C: Yes.

T: T: One two start.

“ "Daddy Daddy, Daddy Daddy, I love you!

Mummy Mummy, Mummy Mummy, I love you! (fly ki )”

Ok,very good! Sit down!

Do you remember the &; lt lt; One two three four five &;gt gt;?(Yes)

 Let’s do this warm up!

stand up, please!

Are you ready?

C: C: Yes.

T: T: One two start.

“One is worm, go go go.

Two is ra it, jump jump jump.

Three is cat, 喵喵喵。

Four i  s crap, move move move.

Five is bird, fly fly fly.”

Ok,very good!

Sit down,please!



T: Please look at here. What’s this?

 C: A le

 T: What colour is it?

C: Red.

T: Yes, it’s red. Read after me:“A red a le.”

同样方式复习:banana pear orange peach grape


T: 今天Mi Zhu给每位小朋友都带来了一件礼物,请小朋友们找一找它是什么呀?


T: What are these?

C: 幼儿回答

T: Today, let’s play a game with these fruit, OK?

C: OK!

T: Now, please look at me and Mi Chen.

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