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</Script> 作者:沈河 1. Her husband had built up a large business during his life time, and when he died ten years ago in 19....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:刘京 1. There were birds too, with the eyes carved out of the rock and painted white. 这儿还有鸟儿,眼睛是在岩....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:张荣 Dear Susan, I\'m back at school now. Thank you very much at 1. ________ the wonderfully week I spent wi....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:文玉荣 A FAMOUS WRITER Joanne Rowling became famous almost overnight. She is the __1__ of a highly successfu....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:蔡振全 I If someone asks you how you can make you always 1. ________ happy, you will perhaps find rather dif....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:王振祥 Many of the world\'s pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people in....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:李景莉 55. to cry in one\'s beer 有不少美国人经常到酒吧间去,一边喝酒,一边聊天。还有的人在心情不好的时候喜欢到....高三英语教案
</Script>作者:张荣 ( I ) I can\'t swim because I have a strong fear of water. Look back 1. ________ my childhood experience....高三英语教案
</Script> 作者:袁国光 Between Virginia and Maryland on the Potomac River lie 1. ________ Washington D.C. It is about 220 mi....高三英语教案
StepI:Revision:Fill in blanks: The black man worked as a slave for the whith man.One day ,he tried to escape.But unfortunately he....高三英语教案
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