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高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)_高一英语教案

04-06 17:25:42高一英语教案
标签:英语教案模板,人教版高一英语教案,新课标高一英语教案,http://www.duosi8.com 高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)_高一英语教案,

</Script>科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 hihg1 unit8.8.doc
标题 Mainly Revision (阶段复习)
Food Around The World (世界上的食物)
章节 第八单元
Unit 8 Mainly evision (阶段复习)
Food Around The World (世界上的食物)

本单元同学们要学习如何用英语表达各种各样的食物名称以及有关“就餐”的日常用语。通过课文阅读“Food Around the World”,了解玉米这种植物是如何传到中国的。中国的许多果子又是如何被引进到世界的其它国度的。下面是一篇有关玉米 (corn)的趣味短文,请你阅读后看看玉米都有那些妙用。
Corn is the American name for maize . America is the biggest producer of corn in the world .
“Sweet corn”is the sweetest corn . Many people like to eat sweet corn on on the cob . Popcorn is a highly popular snack food in America . It is sold at the entrance of every cinema .
There are two expressions that include the word “corn”. A selfish person has little sense of shame about his selfishness as he thinks other people are selfish , too . We call this “measuring another\'s corn by one\'s own bushel ”.
An honest person admits the corn frankly if he loses in a game or debate . We think this is a gentlemanly way of talking one\'s own defeat . (corn 是美语对玉米的叫法。美国是世界上最大的生产国。“甜玉米”是最甜的玉米。许多人喜欢吃甜玉米棒子。爆玉米花在美国是很受欢迎的零食。每家电影院的入口处都能买到它。有两个包含 corn 字的习语。自私的人对自己的自私心缺乏羞愧感,因为他认为别人也是自私的。我们就把这个叫做“以自己的标准衡量他人,即以己度人。一个诚实的人,如果比赛或者辩论失败,就坦诚地认输。我们认为,这样接受失败是有风度的。”)

A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
就餐套语 50 句
● Finding a table for dinner (找餐桌)
1. Can we take that table over there ? 我们可以坐那边的那张桌子吗 ?
2. Have you got a table for four ? 你们有供四人用餐的桌子吗?
3. I prefer the one in that quiet corner . 我喜欢在那安静角落里的那张桌子 。
4. Is the table free , waiter ? 服务员,这张桌子空着吗 ?
5. No , this table is too close to the door . I don\'t like it .
6. This one is good . Let\'s take it . 这张桌子不错。我们坐这儿吧。

● Seating the diner (给就餐者安排座位)
1. Could you follow me , please ? 请随我来。
2. Here is your table . Is itall right ? 这儿是您的桌子。行吗 ?
3. I\'m afraid there\'s no other places free at the moment . 目前恐怕没有别的空位了。
4. I\'m sorry , sir , the one by the window has been booked by telephone . Would you like to sit over there near the door ?
5. There\'s a table for four over there . Would you like it ?
● Asking if the diner is ready to order (询问就餐者是否准备点菜了)
1. Would you like to order now , sir ? 现在您想点菜吗,先生 ?
2. Have you decided what you\'d like ? 您决定吃什么菜了吗 ?
3. Are you ready to order , sir ? 您准备点菜了吗 ,先生 ?
4. Can I take your order now ? 现在我可以请您点菜了吗 ?
5. Have you chosen something ? 您选好菜了吗 ?
● Asking what the diner would like to have (询问就餐者想吃什么)
1. And what to follow ?接下来要上什么 ?
2. What soup would you prefer ? And what kind of fish do you like ?
3. What would you like to start / begin with ? 您想开始先点些什么 ?
4. Would you care for a drink before you order , sir ? 点菜以前您想喝点饮料吗 ?
5. What dishes would you like ? 您要什么菜 ?
● Finding out what the restaurant has today (了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴)
1. Could we have a look at the menu first , please ? 我们先看看菜单好吗 ?
2. What do you have today for breakfast ? 今天早餐你们供应什么 ?
3. What\'s special for tonight ? 今晚有什么特色菜 ?
4. What else have you got on the menu ? 你们菜单上还有什么别的吗 ?
5. What kind of seafood do you have ? 你们有哪些海味 ?
● Ordering a meal (点菜)
1. Get me some chicken salad , please . 请给我来点鸡肉色拉 。
2. Bring me two beers , please . 请来两杯啤酒。
3. Anything is all right with me . I will order the same .
4. I think I\'ll have soup to start with .

5. It sounds good . I\'d like to try the chicken .
● Asking how the diner would like something (询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求)
1. Do you like your tea strong or weak ? 您喜欢茶浓点还是淡点 ?
2. How would you like them prepared ? 你喜欢菜怎么做 ?
3. Would you like it rare , medium , or well-done ? 您喜欢做得嫩一点,中等程度还是老一点 ?
4. You want it now or after dinner ?
5. How would you like it done ?
● Expressing hospitality (表示殷勤款待)
1. Have some and I\'m sure you\'ll like it .
2. Help yourself to anything you like .
3. Do have some more , there\'s plenty left . 再吃点吧,还有很多呢。
4. Try some of this , please . 尝尝这个吧。
5. Shall I make you a glass of beer ? 我给你倒一杯啤酒好吗 ?
● Responding to hospitality (对殷勤款待的应答)
1. I don\'t think I could eat another bite . 我想我一口也再吃不下去了。
2. All right , but only a small piece .
3. It\'s really delicious , but I honestly couldn\'t eat any more .
4. I\'ve had more than enough .
5. No , thanks . I don\'t drink any wine .
● Paying the bill (付帐)
1. Can I have the bill , please ? 请把帐单给我好吗 ?
2. It\'s my treat this time . I\'ll pay . 这次我请客。我来付。
3. Let\'s go Dutch this time . 这次我们各付各的。
4. Waiter ! The bill / check , please .
5. Let me pay this time . You can pay next time .
B. 单元重点新词透视
1. coffee 咖啡
Which do you like better , tea or coffee ?
How about a cup of coffee ?
(1) coffee 是不可数名词,通过量词可以具体化。如:She made me a cup of coffee . 她给我沏了一杯咖啡。white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡。black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡。
(2) 目前在口语中直接在coffee后加 -s 表示几杯几杯咖啡。如:Waiter , two coffees , please . 服务员,来两杯咖啡。
2. offer 作动词和名词“提供,提出,奉献,贡献,出价”

It\'s very kind of you to offer me so much help . 你真好,给我提供了这么多的帮助。
offer sb 100 yuan for the bike 愿以 100 元把这辆自行车买给某人
make an offer of support 表示愿意支持
测试要点:offer to do (主动)提出干……
Each of them offered to be a guide for the blind man .
Finding I was poor at English , Monitor Wang offered to help me with my English .
3. prepare 准备,筹备,调制,配制
They have found a way to prepare them in the form of small tablets . 他们想出办法把它们制成小小的药片。
Mother is busy in preparing a meal for the family . 母亲正为全家人准备饭。
(1) be well prepared for = be well prepared to do 为……做好充分的准备

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,高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)_高一英语教案

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